Hopi Ear Candles

Hopi Ear Candling is a traditional therapy used by the Ancient Greeks and was popularised by the Hopi Indian tribe of the American south-west. The hollow cones are made of fabric covered in beeswax. They also contain Honey, Sage, St Johns Wort and Camomile. The patient lies on their side and a candle is gently inserted as far as is comfortable into the ear canal.

As the candle is lit you may hear a crackling noise and a warming sensation. The warmth created by the flames causes suction, giving a gentle massaging effect on the ear. This suction pulls the ear wax and other impurities out of the ear canal and into the hollow candle relieving tension from sinuses, as well as helping many other symptoms.

You then roll over and the process is repeated on the other ear. The treatment is completed with a soothing mini neck and face massage.